+40 750 441 590 contact@youngsteps-kenya.org Brașov, Romania

Education & Life

There is an inseparable connection between poverty and education, as poverty is often the cause that might stop children from continuing school. Lack of education makes it impossible to get out of poverty later in life. The children of poor parents are also more likely to miss out as well.

Reducing barriers in education means ensuring children an environment in which it is possible for them to thrive.

If all students in low-income countries gained basic reading skills, 171 million people could escape poverty.

If a child’s mother can read, they are 50% more likely to live past the age of five, and 2x as likely to attend school.

Children who participate in early childhood development achieve higher education and make more money as adults.

Education 6

A woman’s earning potential goes up 20% for every year of schooling she completes. Worldwide, nearly 130 million girls are not enrolled in formal education, and more than half of them are in crisis-affected countries. 

The likelihood of infant mortality decreases up to 10% for every additional year of schooling a mother receives.

Of the nearly 2 billion youth in the world, one-third are not employed, not in school, and not in formal training for work.

UNESCO estimates that one in 10 adolescent girls in Kenya miss school during menstruation and eventually drop out because of menstruation-related issues. 

The global youth literacy rate is 91%, meaning 102 million youth lack basic literacy skills. There are 92 literate women for every 100 literate men globally, and in low-income countries, 77 literate women for every 100 literate men.

Sources: children.org; UN Women; UNESCO; Global Partnership for Education